Edition: IX

Krzysztof Rau
Country: Poland
The Artist's Music
Krzysztof Rau is a composition student of the first year of master’s degree studies in the class of Dr
Agata Zubel-Moc. He completed BA studies with a highest grade for the piece Pantoptikum for
symphony orchestra.
His autonomous works have been exhibited so far i.a. during the 2 nd edition of
‘Our Festival’ in Wrocław, and theatre music have been exhibited on the various festivals i.a. in
Warsaw. His works is characterized by diverse approach to the problems of instrumentation and
quasi-psychological phenomena, and mostly it’s described by the listeners as ‘heavy and dense’.
Notes on the Musma Composition
“Foam” – based on the fairy tale by H.Ch.Andersen “The Little Mermaid” / text by Maurice Maeterlinck.
Quite a peculiar treatment of Andersen’s fairy tale, in which the composer “adds” the ending that applies to the prince and his beloved one. The piece addresses the power of misunderstanding and jealousy that has always been present in human civilization – simple words, actions and feelings understood in a wrong way, can cause a tragedy.