Edition: IV

Franck Bovet

Franck Bovet

Country: France

The Artist's Music


Franck Bovet was born in 1984 and began studying classical piano at the age of 13 years old in Draguignan in the South of France after which he was very soon noticed, particularly for his ability to improvise. Thus, after having studied at the Conservatoire d’Aix-en-Provence and Toulon, he was invited to work under the guidance of J-F Zygel in Paris where he learned not only how to write music but also how to improvise playing classical music.

In addition to this, he also followed a Jazz course with N.Folmer or J-F Bonnel and received a “Sacem” prize for harmony. He also performed at the Porquerolles Jazz festival. His entire jazz collection can be found in the double cd “Sumbolom” published in 2009 made out of 24 original pieces.


After completing his theoretical training in Musiclogy at the university of Aix-en-Provence, he started working on new projects such as; doing research on new harmony concepts, teaching jazz, keybord improvisation, classical piano, history of music, writing and composition of music in numerous schools.

He is now mainly working on writing music and is collaborating with well known composers such as M. Fourgon, R. HP Platz, P. Dusapin, J.-C. Risset, D. Lustgarten, F. Rossé ou G. Bœuf.


A few examples of his notorious works played in France, Belgium and the Netherlands:

« The Bells » pour chœur, piano et percussions (commande du Festival International des Musiques d’Ecrans 2007), le « Recueil de Prosopée » pour piano (commande de la classe de piano du Conservatoire d’Aubagne 2007), « Avec des astres et des hommes » pour soprano, billes et orchestre (pour l’année de l’astronomie 2009), « pièce pour carillon » (commande du conservatoire de Maastricht 2012) .

Notes on the Musma Composition


Yggdrasil is the name that was given to the World-Tree in the Edda, bible (the initial book) of the Nordic mythology. It talks about how at the roots of this tutelary ashtree the Fountain of Urd was to be found. The latter was protected by 3 Norns ; calles Ur, Verdandi & Skuld – Past, Present & Future At this place, in the midst of holy runes, “they consulted the laws”, “interrogated fate” and “proclaimed the destined woman for children of men” And thus, the piece for mixte choir “Yggdrasil”, by drawing in its sound the 24 ancestral runes, tries to honour Nature, conspiring for its own necessity. I know an ashtree, it is called Yggdrasil, scalp Tree, moistened by a brilliant cloud, of which is born the dew that falls in the valleys; It nurtures itself, always green, with the fountain of Urd. Out of it came the 3 Virgins of a lot of science, Out of this lake that is underneath the tree: Urd was called one, the other Verdandi; they engraved wooden boards. Skuld was the third. They consulted the laws, interrogated fate and proclaimed the destined for children of men. Frederich Wilhelm Bergmann (1812-1887)